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Latin Name : Cananga OdorataPart of Plant Used : FlowersSource : CamoresExtraction Method : Steam DistillationYlang Ylang means “flower of flowers” and has been used for centuries across tropical areas of Asia including the Philippines, Indonesia and the Polynesian Islands. The flowers were and are still traditionally used in Indonesia to decorate the bed of newly married couples on their wedding night due to their uplifting and aphrodisiac qualities.Ylang Ylang is renowned for its mood enhancing, sedative, antidepressant, beautifying and aphrodisiac properties. It is beneficial for the immune system, cardiovascular system and endocrine system, relaxing the body while liberating the mind of negative emotions. Ylang ylang essential oil is also used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve mood, and enhance libido. In addition, ylang ylang essential oil is said to act as a natural insect repellent, promote wound healing, and diminish the appearance of scars when applied to the skin.

Ylang Ylang III 50ml


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